ScopsFlint et al. 2015AS 6.3Lesser VioletearColibri cyanotusMexican VioletearC. ThalassinusRemsen et al. 2015, NACC 2016-C-10AS 6.3Red-backed FlamebackDinopium psarodesBlack-rumped FlamebackD. BenghalenseHBW Alive, Fernando et al. 2016; Hybrid zone analysis indicates essential reproductive isolation. PS 12.2 Tibetan Sand Plover Charadrius atrifrons Siberian Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus Tibetan Sand Plover C. Atrifrons is a proposed split from Siberian Sand Plover C.
SanguinolentumProposed split of montane Flores endemic taxon from D. Sanguinolentum, based on minor plumage and apparent vocal differences . Transandean Velvety Manakin Lepidothrix velutina is split from L. Coronata based on significant phylogenetic and bioacoustic differences (Moncrieff et al. 2022; SACC 943). Coronatafrom Blue-crowned Manakin to Blue-capped Manakin with the split.
Memberships and donations help us keep the app live as well as the contributions of photos and time by many volunteers. The Hill-forest Honeyeater is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category. Hoogerwerf’s PheasantLophura hoogerwerfiSalvadori’s PheasantL.
As we progressed with the coding, we realized that there should be a differentiation in the coding for “common”, such as less common, common and very common birds. However, this would require reliable quantitative data, which for most countries are not available. In the meantime, enjoy the current Check list of the birds of Australia.
Family #162: Monarch Flycatchers (Monarchidae)
PoliocephalusPratt & Mittermeier 2016AS 7.1Chinese RubythroatCalliope tschebaiewiHimalayan [White-tailed] RubythroatC. PectoralisLiu et al. 2016AS 7.1Genovesa Ground FinchGeospizaacutirostrisSharp-beaked Ground FinchG. DifficilisLamichhaney et al. 2015, SACC 676A-7/1; English name provisionalAS 7.1Vampire Ground FinchGeospiza septentrionalisSharp-beaked Ground FinchG. DifficilisLamichhaney et al. 2015, SACC 676A-7/1;English name provisionalAS 7.1Genovesa Cactus FinchGeospiza propinqua’Espanola Cactus FinchG. ConirostrisLamichhaney et al. 2015, SACC 676B-7/1; G. Magnirostris.AL 6.4Violet-throated ToucanetAulacorhynchus cognatusBlue-throated ToucanetA.
- White-bellied Tyrannulet Serpophaga munda is a proposed lump with White-crested Tyrannulet S.
- The following is a summary of those changes down to species level.
- Timor FlowerpeckerDicaeum hanieliBlood-breasted FlowerpeckerD.
- SanguinolentumProposed split of endemic taxon of Sumba from D.
- Every All the World’s Birds eBook derives its content from the IOC World Bird List, an open access resource maintained by the International Ornithological Congress .
Polychloros are proposed splits from Moluccan Eclectus Electus roratus based on differences in especially female plumage and, in some instances, size (HBW/BirdLife). Malayan Blue-banded Kingfisher Alcedo peninsulae is a proposed split from Javan Blue-banded Kingfisher A. Euryzona based on distinct differences in plumage. The female plumages are particularly dissimilar (del Hoyo & Collar 2014; HBW/BirdLife. See Eaton et al. 2021).
Family #148: Whistlers and Allies
MegarhynchaMonotypicAS 9.2Mamberamo ShrikethrushColluricincla obscuraArafura ShrikethrushC. MegarhynchaMonotypic; includes ssp hybridusAS 9.2Waigeo ShrikethrushColluricincla affinisArafura ShrikethrushC. MegarhynchaMonotypicAS 9.2Variable ShrikethrushColluricincla fortisArafura ShrikethrushC. MegarhynchaIncludes ssp trobriandi (??) anddespecta NEW 9.2Cream-eyed BulbulPycnonotus pseudosimplexCream-vented BulbulP. SimplexCream-eyed Bulbul P. pseudosimplex is a newly described species previously known as an eye-color morph of Cream-vented Bulbul P. simplex perplexuson Borneo. Flores FlowerpeckerDicaeum rhodopygialeBlood-breasted FlowerpeckerD.
PoliocephalusUsually treated as a subspecies of Turdus poliocephalus, but the sexually dimorphic niveiceps is not a member of the Island Thrush complex (Nylander et al. 2008; Fjeldså et al. 2020). Alor MyzomelaMyzomela prawiradilagaeCrimson-hooded MyzomelaM. Kuehni, first reported by Trainor et al. and formally described to science on the basis of a single specimen (Irham et al. 2019). Head color, song and call differ; genetic divergence weak .
Green Inca Coeligena conradii is a proposed split from Collared Inca C. Torquata based on differences in plumage (del Hoyo & Collar 2014; Donegan et al. 2015; HBW/BLI). As would be expected when there is not sexual dimorphism, these species are monogamous and form pair bonds. This is quite unlike the promiscuous behavior of the rest of the family. All the gorgeous, promiscuous BOPs are closely related, so much so that they may be better considered all the same genus. Under our current classification, there are many intergeneric hybrids known.

Alfonzo Bissonnette is a wildlife conservationist and a television personality. He is 29 years old. When he was just four years old, he found his first dead animal on the side of the road. From that day on, he knew that he wanted to work with animals.
Alfonzo has always been passionate about protecting the environment and its inhabitants. As a child, he would spend hours catching bugs and spiders in his backyard, then release them back into the wild unharmed. He later studied Wildlife Conservation at university, and now works tirelessly to protect endangered species all over the world.
Alfonzo is also a television personality. He has been featured on several shows about wildlife conservation, and has even hosted his own show about animal rescue operations.