The male is polygamous and performs its courtship display solitarily. The paradise riflebird is endemic to eastern Australia, from New South Wales to Queensland, where it inhabits rainforests. It resides in the rainforest canopy, above 500 m in elevation, though has been known to move to lower elevations, sometimes below 200 m , in winter. However, it has been known to migrate locally, moving from wet rainforests to nearby sclerophyll forests.
Male Riflebirds have been known to live up to 15 years in the wild. The Growling riflebird , also known as the eastern riflebird is a species medium-sized bird-of-paradise. The common name “riflebird” comes from the likeness of their black velvety plumage to the uniform of the British Army Rifle Brigade. Spanning over 4,000 kilometers and being built over the course of decades, the Trans-Papua Highway cuts across the entire length of Indonesian New Guinea’s two provinces, including 7 key protected areas. While the project is nearly complete, experts warn it will cost billions annually to maintain, and threaten to open up untouched rainforest to palm oil expansion contributing an additional 4.5 million hectares of deforestation by 2036. The Tanah Merah project sits in the heart of New Guinea covering 2,800 square kilometers .
For this episode of the podcast, we speak with Jim Thomas of the Tenkile Conservation Alliance and Lisa Dabek and Modi Pontio of the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program. They detail the successes and challenges of working for nearly two decades in PNG to conserve these intelligent marsupials and the lands they inhabit. The Riflebirds have the most famous mating display of any bird, honestly, popularized by such things as nature documentaries. The male will first advertise loudly throughout the forest, dispersed greatly from one another but not necessarily enforcing mating territories. First, the male will erect his throat patch and the bright feathers on the sides to catch the sunlight and show off the coloration. Then, he curves his rounded wings above his body, tilting his head back and forth to expose the throat color to the light even more.
We will have a realistic chance to see all 21 birds-of-paradise available in Papua New Guinea on our tour, including displaying males at staked-out leks. The birds of paradise are thought to have originated 24 – 30 million years ago and belong to the radiation of passerines that occurred in Australia during the last 60 million years. As Australia become more arid over the last several million years, the birds of paradise withdrew to the regional rainforests of New Guinea and eastern Australia. Ptiloris arose from this residual stock in Australia, from which one member (P. magnificus) has since spread to New Guinea. The separation in time of the Australian and the New Guinea P. magnificus determined genetically corresponds to the separation of Australia and New Guinea geographically .
By 2025 the global, edible nut industry will be worth an estimated $2 billion. In Papua New Guinea , the traditional and plentiful staple, the galip nut , holds promise of tapping into that demand. Its relative ease of access for smallholder (non-commercial) farms means a new source of income for thousands of farmers across PNG. For this episode of Mongabay Explores, we interview Bustar Maitar, founder and CEO of the EcoNusa Foundation, and Edwin Scholes, head of the Birds-of-Paradise Project at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Animals that do not make seasonal movements and stay in their native home ranges all year round are called not migrants or residents.
This tour is a comprehensive birding exploration of Papua New Guinea, the eastern half of the island of New Guinea. This vast natural area is one of the world’s most unspoiled places and perhaps its most enticing birding destination. Explore lowland rainforests, hill forests from lower elevations up to higher montane elevations, grasslands, rivers and remote areas of wetland forests, and more. Juveniles of both genders resemble the adult female, with gray-brown feathers.
Roughly twice the size of Greater London, it threatens not only dense, primary, tropical rainforest and Indigenous land, but also could release as much carbon as the U.S. state of Virginia emits by burning fossil fuels for an entire year. However, the true owners of the project have been hidden by a web of corporate secrecy for more than a decade. Scholes describes how New Guinea’s landscape contributes to the sprawling diversity of these unique and beautiful birds as well as their mating and behavioral practices. The EcoNusa Foundation in Indonesia and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology have partnered on a campaign called “defending paradise,” using the birds as ambassadors for the island’s biodiversity and communities. The island of New Guinea is home to 44 species of unique birds-of-paradise that are found nowhere else on Earth.
Paradise riflebird nests are comparable to Victoria’s riflebird nests in shape, but are larger and bulkier. The paradise riflebird mainly feeds on insects and fruit, high in the forest canopy. Occasionally, individuals may form foraging aggregations of 6-7 birds.
Explore Birds of the World
The central tail feathers are shortened, giving an appearance of blue over black along the tail. It has been suggested that some of the male’s feathers are super black feathers. These feathers have been modified so that their barbules structurally absorb light, unlike normal black feathers, which emphasizes a darker appearance. These specialized feathers are found adjacent to brightly colored patches, suggesting that they help create optical illusions during courtship displays by exaggerating the bright colors they are juxtaposed to.
When feeding their young, female riflebirds will catch proportionally more arthropods than fruit to supply their growing young with foods rich in proteins and lipids. This has also been suggested as the reason for female riflebirds having larger bills than males. Nestlings have been reported as being fed crickets, grasshoppers, spiders, cockroaches, centipedes, cicadas, woodlice, beetles and insect larvae. Males may take proportionally more easily obtained and energy-rich fruit to allow them to display for longer. Sample the richest island avifauna found anywhere on earth; almost half of New Guinea’s 700+ bird species are found nowhere else.
Lowland tropical rain forest, montane rainforest, sub-alpine habitats in the Central Highlands including meadows, conifer forests and tree-fern grasslands, freshwater ponds, and the Lai River. The female then goes to make a nest out of a raggedy cup made of sticks, supported by branches near the trunk of the tree. They are usually supported with fibres and dry leaves to form wires around the cup. The clutches are usually 1 to 3 eggs and are well guarded, to the point that the incubation and nestling periods of the eggs isn’t well known.
Sometimes in groups in fruit trees, also with other Birds-of-paradise and Pitohuis. Growling Riflebird was regarded as third subspecies of this species by some authorities. When a male breeds with more than one female at the same time – it is called polygyny….
Breeding occurs from August to February, during the spring to summer months in Australia. Like other birds of paradise, the paradise riflebird is polyginous. The male paradise riflebird performs a solitary display to females from perches of low-hanging, exposed canopy.
- It has an iridescent greenish blue on its crown, throat, breast shield and central tail feathers.
- Sample the richest island avifauna found anywhere on earth; almost half of New Guinea’s 700+ bird species are found nowhere else.
- The separation in time of the Australian and the New Guinea P. magnificus determined genetically corresponds to the separation of Australia and New Guinea geographically .
- Victoria’s riflebirds are found on the Atherton Tablelands of Queensland, Australia, from just south of Cooktown to just south of Townsville.
More recently, they have occasionally been considered pests for damaging cultivated fruit. While riflebirds have been shown to use habitat adjacent to rainforest, their reliance on rainforest leaves them vulnerable to forest clearing. The four species of riflebird are classified as being of “Least Concern” according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Victoria s riflebird ptiloris victoriae clip 1 2 hd video
Although individuals of the species are generally non-territorial, males are presumed to display territorial behavior over these perches during the mating season. The courtship display is composed of rapid side-to-side movements of the wings, which are held horizontally similar to other riflebirds, and head, with a gaping mouth and the iridescent blue-green sheen on the throat exposed. It is also suggested that males have super black feathers which help to create an optical illusion during courtship that emphasizes the iridescent patches they are adjacent to. The species is sexually dimorphic, with few similarities in plumage between males and females. The adult male is black with an iridescent greenish blue crown, throat, and central tail feathers, as well as iridescent green on the lower breast and flank.
The population trends for P. paradiseus and P. victoriae are reported as declining but not approaching the threshold for vulnerable status. The few published studies on the diet of riflebirds indicate that riflebirds are predominantly insectivorous but will take fruit and seeds when available. Riflebirds are mostly arboreal with a preference for lower strata but will forage on or close to the ground.
They climb up and down tree trunks and hop along horizontal branches searching for insects and their larvae, which they extract from under the bark, in crevices and in epiphytes using their chisel-like bills. Riflebirds will swallow fruit whole or hold fruit between their foot and a branch and tear pieces off with their bill. While riflebirds are mostly solitary, small flocks can be seen on fruiting trees when in season. Victoria’s riflebird has been reported to feed on 19 species of fruiting trees and vines.
The paradise riflebird is a medium-sized bird, with males averaging about 30 cm (11.8 in) in height and weighing on average 134 to 155 g (4.7 to 5.5 oz). Females are slightly smaller, averaging at 29 cm (11.4 in) and weighing on average 86 to 112 g (3.0 to 3.9 oz). Both genders have a long, black, decurved bill, black legs, and dark brown iris. Its appearance resembles, and it is sometimes considered to be a subspecies of the magnificent riflebird. It is differentiated by the lower breast and abdomen coloration, the male’s distinctive growling song, and feathered culmen base.
They then open their bills, showing a bright yellow mouth, still while moving from side to side. Finally, the males will flatten out their wings, creating a flat surface that looks like a blue screaming mouth on a black background. If the female is happy with this display, she will reward him with multiple matings; the female then leaves to build her nest, while the male tries to woo more females.
Victoria’s riflebirds are found on the Atherton Tablelands of Queensland, Australia, from just south of Cooktown to just south of Townsville. Paradise riflebirds are found in southeast Queensland and northeast New South Wales, Australia. Like most birds of paradise, riflebirds have been hunted for their plumage in the past, including for millinery.
Sample the highlights of birding in Papua New Guinea, the eastern half of the island of New Guinea. Oviparous animals are female animals that lay their eggs, with little or no other embryonic development within the mother. If you missed the first six episodes of Mongabay Explores New Guinea, you can find them via the podcast provider of your choice, or locate all episodes of the Mongabay Explores podcast on our podcast homepage here. He also shares an update on the critically endangered Tapanuli orangutan, whose land is threatened by a controversial hydroelectric project in North Sumatra, which has also claimed the lives of 16 workers in less than two years. A podcast about the world’s unique places and species – from areas of amazing natural heritage to environmental challenges and conservation solutions – hear inspiring conversations with experts, scientists, authors, and activists on Mongabay Explores. Portrait size close view of the lesser bird-of-paradise on a branch seen from behind.
If you missed the first three episodes of Mongabay Explores New Guinea you can find it via the podcast provider of your choice or find all the episodes of the Mongabay Explores podcast on our podcast homepage here. If you missed the first four episodes of Mongabay Explores New Guinea you can find them via the podcast provider of your choice or find all the episodes of the Mongabay Explores podcast on our podcast homepage here. We also speak with Nora Devoe, research program manager for a special project focused on the galip nut at the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research . This project has been funding more than a decade of research seeking to understand the viability and potential of the galip nut to drive the canarium industry in PNG and foster new markets for entrepreneurs and locals like Dorothy to sell the crop.
Riflebirds are stocky medium-sized passerines with a small head and a characteristic long slender decurved bill. Adults have short broad wings with rounded tips, short tails and long sturdy legs with long powerful toes and hooked claws. Like many of the birds of paradise, adult riflebirds are sexually dimorphic, with adult males being entirely velvety black and females being mostly shades of brown . Adult males are larger in P. magnificus (31 cm long, 160g; P. intercedens is similarly sized), smaller in P. paradiseus , and smallest in P. victoriae . The paradise riflebird is a passerine bird of the family Paradisaeidae.

Alfonzo Bissonnette is a wildlife conservationist and a television personality. He is 29 years old. When he was just four years old, he found his first dead animal on the side of the road. From that day on, he knew that he wanted to work with animals.
Alfonzo has always been passionate about protecting the environment and its inhabitants. As a child, he would spend hours catching bugs and spiders in his backyard, then release them back into the wild unharmed. He later studied Wildlife Conservation at university, and now works tirelessly to protect endangered species all over the world.
Alfonzo is also a television personality. He has been featured on several shows about wildlife conservation, and has even hosted his own show about animal rescue operations.