Gently scratch the surface of the seeds and leave in water for a day or two. It has gloriously bright, and bold blue and orange flowers shaped like an exotic bird, surrounded by large paddle shaped leaves. To ensure flower production in north Florida, grow bird-of-paradise in a container that can be moved indoors during freezes. These birds also lend their name to a colorful flower. South Africa’s bird-of-paradise is a member of the banana family.
Thanks to the city’s sprawl, most now exist as pets of society’s elite. The bird of paradise is the official flower for a ninth wedding anniversary. In Hawaii, the bird of paradise grows wild and is a significant part of the culture. In Hawaiian, the name means “Little Globe” and represents magnificence.
It is said that some root exposure promotes flowers. When it is time to repot, about every 3 years in spring, only increase the pot size if the roots are extremely cramped. The growing conditions for bird of paradise, particularly the temperature range, are very specific. If you want bird of paradise flowers, continue reading for tips on growing these unique beauties. If it’s about 3 to 4 feet in height, you can choose a 10-inch pot. If it’s about 5 to 6 feet tall, a 14-inch pot will do.
The family Paradisaeidae was introduced in 1825 with Paradisaea as the type genus by the English naturalist William John Swainson. For many years the birds-of-paradise were treated as being closely related to the bowerbirds. Today while both are treated as being part of the Australasian lineage Corvida, the two are now thought to be only distantly related. Having a large, showy orange and blue inflorescence. Any of several passerine birds of the family Paradisaeidae, of New Guinea and adjacent islands, the males of which have ornate, colorful plumage.
Philodendron Brandtianum ‘Silver Leaf’ Care Guide (
If underwatered, the leaves farthest from the center will turn yellow. Best known are the members of the genus Paradisaea, including the type species, the greater bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea apoda. This species was described from specimens brought back to Europe from trading expeditions in the early sixteenth century. These specimens had been prepared by native traders by removing their wings and feet so that they could be used as decorations. This was not known to the explorers, and in the absence of information many beliefs arose about them. They were briefly thought to be the mythical phoenix.
If potting the division, you will need a new pot and a well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil continually moist throughout the year. While it should not be waterlogged, expect to water it daily in the spring and summer as it loses moisture through its big leaves. You can water it until you see the water draining from its drainage holes, but make sure it does not sit in a pool of water.
- The best time to propagate your Bird of Paradise is during the spring.
- Strelitzia reginae hails from South Africa, and it’s an evergreen perennial that is famous for its flowers.
- The final clade includes the Cicinnurus and the Paradisaea birds-of-paradise.
They require nearly full sun in the summer and as much light as possible in winter to bloom. A bird-of-paradise grown from seed will take three to five years to bloom. The black seeds have orange fuzz on one end and are the size of sweet pea seeds . To increase the germination time, soak the seeds in lukewarm water for one or two days and then scarify them with a knife or small file. Scarified seeds usually germinate in one to two months.
How fast does a bird of paradise grow?
The bird-of-paradise will tolerate light salt spray but should not be used in exposed locations near the ocean. Water The soil should be kept moist but well-drained throughout the year. It is native to South Africa, where it is important to national culture, even being featured on the country’s 50-cent coin. The bird of paradise has also become the official flower of Los Angeles in spite of its non-native status. In the wild, these flowers attract sunbirds as pollinators.
But the bird of paradise does well in both environments. Meanwhile, caesalpinia does not like humidity, preferring arid, hot locations. Strelitzia is easy-growing but has a few requirements—like regular feeding and watering. Of the tropical or subtropical species, it’s one of the easier specimens to keep with relatively few pest problems. Air circulation keeps mold and other pests from settling in. If you see them, use insecticidal soap for control and apply it to the undersides of the leaves.
I have mine by our south-facing sliding glass door, which gets plenty of light. Although this species is normally tough, there are growing problems that it may encounter during the growth and development process. It may include problems with the leaves, top-heaviness, root rot, and failure to produce blooms.
The second clade includes the parotias and the King of Saxony bird-of-paradise. The fourth clade includes the Epimachus sicklebills, Paradigalla and the astrapias. The final clade includes the Cicinnurus and the Paradisaea birds-of-paradise.
It will take about five years for it to reach maturity and be ready to bear flowers. You may observe the foliage splitting, the edges browning, or the entire surface turning yellow. Hence, it’s time to do further investigation to know the causes behind each one.
It is important to us that our effortlessly stylish garments are not only easy to wear but simple to care for. Our cashmere and silk pieces spun with the finest Mongolian cashmere, and crafted in Italy, are durable and machine-washable. The bird of paradise represents faithfulness, love, and thoughtfulness — making it the perfect romantic gift. Bottom heat of 75 to 90 °F will speed germination and seedlings should emerge in six to 12 weeks. Small bird of paradise can be purchased at nurseries or by mail order. Bird of paradise is commonly used in residential and commercial landscaping in southern California.
Birds of paradise flowers last for about three weeks before dropping their petals and dying. Remove the leaves by pulling them off or use sharp cutting instruments. You can cut all leaves and stems down to just above the ground. The bird of paradise gets its name that its flower is made of three bright orange petals and three blue petals that are fused together into a single bud. This is the most common reason why Bird of Paradise dies.
Use a loam-based potting mix with plenty of compost to keep it fertile. And make sure that the place has high humidity, too. You can grow Bird of Paradise indoors by placing it in an area where there’s enough light, warm temperature, and high humidity.
(The common names white and giant are often used interchangeably for these two species – they look very similar, but S. nicolai usually has blue petals.) S. Caudata is very similar to these two species but remains much shorter (to about 6½ feet) and is rarely available.There is also another species, S. Bird of paradise can be propagated from seeds or division. Soak the hard seeds for 24 hours and remove the bright orange tuft of hairs attached to the seed, then place 1 inch deep in moist potting mix and keep warm (85ºF). Exposure of the top of the roots supposedly encourages flowering. Early spring is the best time when repotting is necessary (i.e. the roots have cracked open the pot).
You can wipe those leaves off with a damp cloth to remove trapped dust when tended indoors. The bird of paradise is known as the ultimate symbol of paradise and freedom. Due to its tropical nature, this flower also symbolizes freedom and joy. Although birds of paradise are best known for their bright orange and blue colors, their flowers can also be white. Bird of Paradise should be watered and fertilized according to growing conditions. When watering, thoroughly wet the potting mix, then allow it to dry slightly before watering again.
It is easy to wipe the large leaves off with a soft cloth . It is advisable to let the top half of the soil dry out before watering again to avoid rot and choose a pot with good drainage and water until it drains out the bottom. Water Recommendations base on pot size, we suggest to utilize a soil probe initially to determine humidity levels and when to water. Bird of paradise flowers need a lot of food to develop. During the growing season, optimal temperatures are Fahrenheit (18-21 C.) during the day and 50 F.
Common Problems with Growing Birds of Paradise
They don’t like to be repotted too often as this can affect how well they flower. From spring to autumn feed the Bird of Paradise with a liquid feed every two weeks and reduce this down to once a month in winter. The Bird of Paradise likes high humidity ranging from 60% – 70%; Although it will tolerate 50% if it needs to. Keep a spray bottle nearby to give it a good mist with room temperature water if you notice the leaves become brown and crunchy. The bird-of-paradise is easily propagated by division. Dig up and separate old clumps, dividing those with four to five shoots into single-stem divisions.
Thus, it won’t create problems for those having a sensitive smell. But for those that are small, spray a solution containing insecticidal soap or neem oil. You may also rub them off with cotton dipped in alcohol. If accidental ingestion happens and such symptoms arise, make sure to seek medical help to prevent further health risks. For prevention, keep it away from the reach of your kids. Remember that they’re more vulnerable to suffering from toxicity because they’re always curious.
They prefer moderate relative humidity, around 60 percent, which may require daily misting during the dry winter months. If placed outside in the summer, bring them indoors when temperatures begin to drop below 60 °F. Its unique flower, resembling a brightly colored bird in flight, is the source of the common name. Due to the shape of its leaves, it was once classified in the banana family, but now has its own, Strelitziaceae. Fill around the ball with soil and gently firm the soil. Bird-of-paradise grows in most soils, but does best in fertile, organic soils with good drainage.

Alfonzo Bissonnette is a wildlife conservationist and a television personality. He is 29 years old. When he was just four years old, he found his first dead animal on the side of the road. From that day on, he knew that he wanted to work with animals.
Alfonzo has always been passionate about protecting the environment and its inhabitants. As a child, he would spend hours catching bugs and spiders in his backyard, then release them back into the wild unharmed. He later studied Wildlife Conservation at university, and now works tirelessly to protect endangered species all over the world.
Alfonzo is also a television personality. He has been featured on several shows about wildlife conservation, and has even hosted his own show about animal rescue operations.